About Needles of Hope
Needles of Hope is an alternative medicine clinic specializing in pain management and neurological rehabilitation. Our purpose is to help your body (and mind) heal itself, in a safe, effective, natural and drug-free way. We strive to provide a blend of proven classical Chinese Medicine practices with cutting-edge modern advancements, and are committed to your treatment being successful.
The clinic was founded by Kathy K. Sato, D.Ac., a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Hawaii. She received a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) from the Institute of Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine in Honolulu, and Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego.
In Her Own Words . . .
Hi there, my name is Kathy Sato. I’m an investment manager turned Chinese medicine practitioner. Very early in my training I attended a 4-day course given by Dr. Richard Tan on his Global Balance / Pain Management approach. THE COURSE CHANGED MY LIFE! I saw for the first time how one could use tiny little needles to instantly lessen and even eliminate pain. The placement of the needles didn’t seem intuitive at the time, but the results were remarkable (see section on Distal Acupuncture & Pain for videos). I experienced the same kind of amazement when attending a course at Johns Hopkins University with Dr. Raphael Nogier. He was able to deal with various ailments by using the ear as a micro-representation of our body. Imagine dealing with low back pain with little needles in the ear!?!!
Other life-changing, life-forming mentors were Drs. Jason and Linda Hao. They are pioneers in the area of scalp or Neuro-Acupuncture. Most commonly used for post-stroke recovery, Neuro-Acupuncture in fact treats many other neurological problems: Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, phantom pain, PTSD, Autism, anxiety, and pain. Dr. Jason and Dr. Linda have started the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute where they train acupuncturist in methods that transform lives, giving new meaning to the word “hope”.
Another major inspiration is John Boel, the mastermind behind Boel Modern Acupuncture (BMA) and the founder of one of Europe’s largest eye acupuncture clinics. His system, which needles in and around specific joints has been extremely effective in treating eye disorders, pain, organic diseases, and various chronically-ill patients that medical science has given up on with the words: “You’ll just have to learn to live with it”.
Then there is Carolyn McMakin, the developer and leading authority on Frequency Specific Microcurrent or FSM. Frequency medicine uses frequencies to heal. Makes sense, right? After all aren’t bodies just made up of frequencies? As it turns out, microcurrent stimulation and the resonance effects of specific frequencies on tissues and conditions can be used to reduce symptoms and improve health. The range of issues that this therapy can address is extensive and it has not only changed the way we treat, but it has greatly improved our effectiveness.
Most recently, Neoclassical Acupuncture, has brought simple amazement to my patients. Diagnosis is done by palpating the body, checking if meridians, organs or elements are blocked. Within a few minutes the whole body can be assessed. Why this method is phenomenal, is that through its deep understanding of energetic architecture and structure, the practitioner only needs to place a few needles in the patient to bring about vast energetic changes in the body, which often equates to removal of pain and harmonization of subtle energies.
These are some of the key inspirations behind Needles of Hope. There are so many different ways that we can help the body heal itself, so I encourage you to join us by venturing outside the box, and to move beyond conventional medicine.
Here's a list of my additional training:
Introduction to Neurelectric Acupuncture, Dr. Shawn Weeks
Biomagnetism & Beyond, Dr. Luis Garcia
Electro-Auricular Intensive, Dr. Jeremy Steiner
Healing with Information, Dr. Mária Sági
Neoclassical Acupuncture Advanced Course, Dr. Slate Burris
Neoclassical Acupuncture Foundations Course, Dr. Slate Burris
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture, Dr. Emily Teo
Neurorehabilitation of the Basal Ganglia, Carrick Institute of Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation
Dental Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Healing System (DAO) Dr. Jeremy Steiner
Electro Acupuncture Medicine, Advanced Course, Dr. Jeremey Steiner
Electron Adapted Neurotherapy, Dr. Jeremy Steiner
Frequency-Specific Microcurrent Sports Course, Frequency Specific Sport, Kim Pittis
Receptor-based Essentials, Carrick Institute of Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation
Foundations in Oncology Rehabilitation, Physiological Oncology Rehabilitation Institute
Acupuncture & Functional Neurology, Carrick Institute of Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation
Frequency-Specific Microcurrent Core and Advanced Seminars, Dr. Carol McMakin
Neuro-Acupuncture Institute, Level 1, 2 & 3, Neuro-Acupuncture Certification (with Dr. Jason Hao, Dr. Linda Hao)
Vision Repair: Acupuncture for Degenerative Eye Disease with Mats Sexton
Boel Modern Acupuncture with John Boel Sr., Hamburg, Germany
Advanced Practice Certificate in Integrative Acupuncture from York University in Toronto with Poney Chiang.
NYU Langone - Brooklyn, Neurological and Orthopedic Rehabilitation Externship
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Acupuncture for Cancer Patients
First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Externship - focus on Shi Xuemin’s Xing Nao Kai Qiao stroke protocol
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific - participated in the REHAB strong program
Dr. Richard Tan, Global Balance / Pain Management Training
Susan Johnson, Best of Master Tung’s Magic Points
Dr. Raphael Nogier, Auriculotherapy Seminar
Acu-Detox Specialist Training (NADA)
Here's a list of my outreach efforts (since outreach is important!!):
Institute of Human Services (IHS)
Hale Na’au Pono, Wai’anae Coast Community Mental Health Center
ICAOM Ear Acupuncture Clinic
Honolulu Marathon
Hawaii Seniors’ Fair
Halemano Plantation
Finally, just so patients aren't wondering when visiting our office. I am a brain fanatic. For instance, I am very interested in neurofeedback. And I’m a big believer in how music effects the development of the brain, especially in kids. And for this reason, I am very active in starting and supporting orchestra programs throughtout the state. I do this through an organization called Strings for Tomorrow. Here is link to a great TED talk by Anita Collins entitled, “How playing an instrument benefits your brain”.
See you in the clinic!
The Warrior Turtle of Hope
The warrior turtle is one of the 5 heavenly beasts in Taoist cosmology. It symbolizes happiness, stability, longevity, help in difficult phases of life, endurance & mental agility. The warrior turtle is our guardian of hope, and like our patients, it is our source of inspiration.