Vision Regeneration FAQ
When is acupuncture appropriate?
“Acupuncture is appropriate in the treatment of many eye problems. For some conditions, such as macular degeneration and retinitis pigments, which have no treatment in Western medicine, acupuncture is the treatment of choice. For other diseases, such as cataract (in the early stage) and chronic (open-angle) glaucoma, there is a treatment in orthodox medicine. However, for many patients, acupuncture may be the preferred treatment. Acupuncture can certainly be beneficial as an adjunct therapy in these conditions.” Julian Scott, Acupuncture for Eyes.
What kind of acupuncture do you use for your vision treatment?
We use AcuNova (from John Boel in Denmark) together with Chinese acupuncture. AcuNova is a type of acupuncture treatment that has shown remarkable results for people who have been medically diagnosed with degenerative eye disorders. Treatment involves needling newly discovered points in the hands and feet. It is thought that when acupuncture needles stimulate points on the hands and feet, they generate a frequency that affects the areas of the brain responsible for vision. Blood flow is increased to both the optic nerve and the retinal structure of the eye. This aids in “waking up” dormant neuronal cells that have become “unhealthy” over the course of the time.
Kathy K. Sato, L.Ac. has trained with John Boel Sr., the creator of AcuNova and the founder of the largest acupuncture clinic for eye disorders in Europe. She is one of the few acupuncturists in America to complete John Boel’s Modern Acupuncture course.
Will you needle into my eyes?
Absolutely not. Most sessions will use 6 to 8 needles, usually in the hands, feet, arms, legs and head, but never in the eyes.
What is the AcuNova treatment like?
The AcuNova protocol involves two 30 minute treatments in one day, with a break between them. The treatment involves placing acupuncture needles on points in or around specific joints of the hands and feet. The average patient starts with a 2 week treatment with 2 sessions per day for 5 days each week, so a total of 20 treatments. Thereafter, maintenance treatments are staggered, depending on the patient’s situation.
What results can I expect with vision acupuncture?
About 80% of patients notice some change within the first 10 treatments. Most commonly noticed are increased brightness and clarity, and larger visual field.
What eye conditions do you treat with vision acupuncture?
Macular Degeneration, wet and dry
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Diabetic Retinopathy
Stargardt’s Syndrome
Dry eyes
other degenerative eye disorders
What are the possible benefits of using vision acupuncture?
Increased visual acuity
Increased eye health
Chance to resume daily activities: reading, driving, crafts
Reduced stress & anxiety
Potential of 2 to 5 lines of vision improvement
Improved central and peripheral vision
A renewed sense of hope!
If you have questions or would like to know more about vision acupuncture for eye issues, please contact us below!