Our Clinic is a Conditioned Space for Healing & Health
Sometimes the universe sends us an unexpected gift.
I recently stumbled on an interview that Jasna Burza had done with Dr. Nisha Manek, M.D. entitled, “Condition your space like Westminster Abbey”. Nisha is a protégé of Professor William A. Tiller and is a student of the theoretical and practical applications of Tillerian physics to medicine.
In retrospect, nothing was accidental about me stumbling into the world of psychoenergetic science, and the relationship between intention and medicine. Dr. Nisha’s book, “Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller’s Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine” is her attempt at explaining Tillerian physics to us normal folks.
A “conditioned space” refers to a higher electromagnetic gauge symmetry state where space is more coherent, it has a unique feel. Dramatic examples are the great cathedrals of Europe (eg: Westminster Abby, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, St. Peter's Basilica, or Barcelona Cathedral) where, over centuries, the space is conditioned to a very high degree by all the people who visit and hold prayerful intentions there. This kind of sacred space feels very different compared to say, a super market or a coffee shop.
Wouldn’t it be great if our Needles of Hope clinic could be a coherent space but for healing and health? A place where patients could come in and soak up the excess energy from a broadcast of healing intentions?
This is our intention.
24/7 with the help of Dr. Tiller and his people, healing and health intentions are being broadcasted to our clinic.
Let us know if you think you feel it or if you have benefitted from it!